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12 November 2014
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Education Business Technology #mqtt #iot
SemiWiki - MQTT not IoT “god protocol”, but getting closer
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www­ - One protocol, and its descendants, drove the success of the World Wide Web. IP, or Internet Protocol, is the basis of every browser connection and the backbone of IT data centers. Some assumed that...
A Standard for the Internet of Things?
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thumbnail www­ - If there’s one thing that’s been clear about the Internet of Things thus far it’s this: Once you get beyond the basic understanding of a massive framework comprised of numerous sensors sending data...
How Brick and Mortar-Based Lowe's Is Quietly Shaping IoT - Forbes
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thumbnail www­ - The Internet of Things (IoT) may seem like a playground only for startups with clever new ideas. But there is plenty of room for the traditional companies to still weigh in and influence its growth...
Here's How to Invest in the Internet of Things (Step 1: Keep a Level Head) (CSCO, GE, SWIR)
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thumbnail www­ - Before investors consider jumping into an Internet of Things, or IoT, stock, it's important  to first understand exactly what IoT is, what's the real potential, and who's making some important move...
30-day Public Review for #TGF: Impact of the Internet of Things Version 1.0 - ends December 6th
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www­ - The OASIS Transformational Government Framework TC [1] members have recently approved a Committee Note Draft (CND) and submitted it for 30-day public review: TGF: Impact of the Internet of Things V...
WHICH 50 : Five fold increase of things on the Internet of Things by 2025 says Gartner
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which-50­.com - Companies will have no option other than to pursue opportunities on the Internet of Things just as they have done with the consumerisation of IT, according to industry analyst Gartner which has upd...
New Memoori report predicts physical security devices will play a large role in the global market for IoT in smart buildings
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thumbnail www­ - Overall connectivity penetration rates across all building systems are currently only around 16 percent. This connectivity penetration rate will, of course, rise steadily over the coming years, and...
VCs Look To The Future As IoT Investments Soar
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thumbnail techcrunch­.com - Editor’s Note: Christine Magee is an analyst for CrunchBase.  From personal mobility device Whill to wireless power transmitter uBeam, Internet of Things startups are amassing millions in venture d...
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Gerrit Grunwald
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MQTT: M2M messaging for low-powered IoT devices
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MQTT 101 - How to get started with the lightweight IoT protocol
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MQTT.fx 0.0.11 released
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Dominik Obermaier
Why Enterprise IoT Needs a New Architecture - Post - No Jitter
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Kal Gyimesi
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