

I’d like to schedule our initial group call for the 5th of August 12 o’clock eastern time.

Hope you can make it. If not don’t worry! One of our agenda points is to find a timeslot that fits most of all.

May be we have to have alternate calls.


Heather is as friendly as to send out an invitation with the agenda and phone number details few days before.


My suggestion for an agenda is:


- Roll call

- Minute taker

- Introduction - if there are people on the call that do not know each other

- Discussing conf call time / possible group meeting

- Organizational next steps - what do we have to do within KI, elections, reports etc.

- Starting the work / e.g. use-case collection (according to our charter)

- AoB

- Adjourn



If you miss something please let me know!


