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05 November 2014
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Education Business Technology #mqtt #iot
As HomeKit Launch Draws Near, the Internet of Things Still Faces a Major Obstacle
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thumbnail recode­.net - Ever since Apple announced HomeKit in June, developers have been hard at work creating apps to integrate with the platform. Now, industry experts have predicted that Apple will launch HomeKit by th...
How Twitter will power the Internet of Things - Telegraph
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Johannes Ernst
www­ - One of the exhibits on show at the Twitter Flight event in San Francisco was a drone that could be flown by issuing instructions via tweet. The developer who had created the mobile app to control t...
FIDO boss sees group settling into authentication stride
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thumbnail www­ - Two years out from a promise to eclipse passwords, FIDO Alliance president Michael Barrett says conceptual roadblocks to success have vanished and progress in the next 6-12 months will bring legiti...
Samsung invests in internet of things identity management platform Evrythng — Tech News and Analysis
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thumbnail gigaom­.com - Samsung and Evrythng, the U.K.-based outfit that is trying to build an identity management layer for the internet of things, have revealed a partnership that involves an investment from Samsung Ven...
Two High-Tech Stories To Watch In 2015: Digital and Industrial Internet of Things - Forbes
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thumbnail www­ - Sami Luukkonen is global managing director for Accenture’s Electronics & High-Tech group. Email him: There will be two particularly important business opportunities un...
6 facts why it's worth upgrading to the brand new MQTT 3.1.1 version
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Dominik Obermaier
thumbnail www­ - The long-awaited MQTT 3.1.1 was finally released on October 30, 2014. While most of the improvements may seem small, they are in fact a huge step forward. This blog post will cover the main differe...
IBM looks beyond its uneasy IoT pact with GE - Rethink Wireless
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www­ - A couple of years ago, when the internet of things (IoT) was just becoming a major topic for discussion and hype, it seemed that industrial giant General Electric's bid to take a guiding role would...
VC Investments In IoT Space To Accelerate -
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www­ - Internet of Things (IoT) is an evolving space that connects billions of devices on the go and consumers who are looking for intelligence from connected devices, equipment and infrastructure. Inevit...
Berg Insight: M2M at global tipping point
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thumbnail www­ - Machine-to-machine technology will soon be available around the globe, according to market research firm Berg Insight. The spread of M2M, which allows devices to communicate without human intervent...
Lightweight Authentication and Authorization for MQTT with Stormpath
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thumbnail www­ - Authentication and authorization are key aspects for every Internet of Things application. When using MQTT, topic permissions are especially important for most public-facing MQTT brokers. Learn how...
SilverHook Powerboat Racing powered by jStart
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Arnaud Mathieu
33rd Square | What Is The Internet Of Things?
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Capturing and Analyzing Big Data with M2M Technology
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