IDoT telecon 2013-08-13 (draft)
Date and Time
Action item review
no items to review
Telecon time / possible group meeting
We decided to keep the timeslot as long as there are no objections from group members.
If you have an issue with the time slot and you want to take part please let us know.
A meeting opportunity could be the upcoming KI plenary in November co-located to the IETF-Meeting in Vancouver.
Other suggestions are welcome.
IDoT Use case collection
We decided to collect use-cases and scenarios to highlight Identify issues in the Internet of Things. Then we can sort out and group common problems and issues.
As a first step we’d like to encourage all our group members to provide use cases and scenarios taken from their working environment or their experiences in life.
For the beginning there is not much restriction. The description could be a half pager or up to several pages. Colin was as friendly as to create a directory where you can put your description.
But you should also send it to the list.
Next Meetings
Telecon: Tuesday, August 27, at 9am PT (time chart)
Ingo Friese
Kind regards
Ingo Friese
Deutsche Telekom AG
T-Labs (Research & Innovation)
Dipl.-Ing. Ingo Friese
Winterfeldtstr. 21, 10781 Berlin
+4930835358148 (Phone)
+49391580216849 (Fax)
Life is for sharing.
Supervisory Board: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Lehner (Chairman)
Board of Management: René Obermann (Chairman),
Reinhard Clemens, Niek Jan van Damme,
Timotheus Höttges, Dr. Thomas Kremer, Claudia Nemat, Prof. Dr. Marion Schick
Commercial register: Amtsgericht Bonn HRB 6794
Registered office: Bonn
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