Dear All,


I hope you are all doing well.

I’d like to remind you that our next IDoT-call is coming up today.


I’d like to give you an update on two interesting topics

-          In had a talk with a colleague that is active in HGI

-          I’m involved in a upcoming EU-Project dealing with identity and IoT –great opportunity to connect a multi-company, long-term project with our work in standardization


I’m looking forward to talking to you!


Best regards,





Date and Time


Kind regards
Ingo Friese



Deutsche Telekom AG

T-Labs (Research & Innovation)
Dipl.-Ing. Ingo Friese
Winterfeldtstr. 21, 10781 Berlin
+4930835358148 (Phone)

+49391580216849 (Fax)


Life is for sharing. 

Supervisory Board: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Lehner (Chairman)
Board of Management: René Obermann (Chairman),
Reinhard Clemens, Niek Jan van Damme,
Timotheus Höttges, Dr. Thomas Kremer, Claudia Nemat, Prof. Dr. Marion Schick
Commercial register: Amtsgericht Bonn HRB 6794
Registered office: Bonn

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