just finished enjoying the recordings of the two last meetings (and I
really have to say: its a real joy listenig to that), here are my
'cents' to it
* I hear a lot about the audience being those who 'implement/ design
IDM solutions'. I think we should use the ID-Pro Org to stress the
whole industry about the importance (and best practice) to deal with
'digital identities', so to stop developers to implement their own
silo of identity data, because its so easy to create an additional
table in their database. Identity Management should not be someting
'special', it should have the same standing as 'database technology'
within studies. Given that, we should try to get 'buy-in' and
support from universities/ 'whatever' in general. So one goal could
be to promote those best practices we seek to define to be placed as
a 'standard course' within the study of IT. Of course, all courses
dealing with that issue (HR, CRM) are stakeholders as well, but in
the end, if it is 'digital', 'Developers' will do the job.
maybe one of the 'project areas' we could start (named 'Promoting
Best Practices on Digital Identity Management'). That would also
prevent us from acting on the 'tower of excelence', not being of
interest for the 'non ID Professionals'
WedaCon Informationstechnologien GmbH <http://www.wedacon.net>
Thorsten H. Niebuhr
tniebuhr(a)wedacon.net / tniebuhr(a)wedacon.de <mailto:tniebuhr@wedacon.net>
WedaCon Informationstechnologien GmbH
Office: +49 (251) 399 678-22
Fax: +49 (251) 399 678-50
Mobile: +49 (174) 991 257 4
Kroegerweg 29 D-48155 Muenster
Amtsgericht Muenster HRB 6115
USt.-ID: DE216758544
StNr.: 336/5775/1487
Geschaeftsfuehrender Gesellschafter: Thorsten H. Niebuhr
"The organization defines, supports, promotes and improves the global
profession of individuals involved in ensuring Digital Identities are
professionally and ethically used and managed using secure,
privacy-protecting and reliable practices.”
Ian Glazer
Senior Director, Identity
+1 202 255 3166
@iglazer <https://twitter.com/iglazer>
If you have taken the time to vote, thank you! If you haven’t had the
chance yet, this is the third and final notification that the voting period
for the vice-chair and secretary positions for the ID Pro Discussion Group
is open until *tomorrow, November 4, 2016*, at 5pm Eastern Standard Time.
Each ID Pro Discussion Group participant is entitled to one vote. We are
collecting your email address to ensure that only one vote is received by
each member of the group. Please use the address associated with this
group. This ballot is administered by Virtual, Inc., a third party vote
administrator, and no data will be shared except for the results of the
Please complete the survey here <https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/JMBGL7F>.
Thank you for your participation!
All the best,
Megan Cannon
Please join the Kantara ID Pro Discussion Group call today at noon eastern
as we finish discussing the survey results.
The call details are below for your reference.
Wednesday, November 2
12:00pm Eastern Daylight Time (UTC -4h)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
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If you have taken the time to vote, thank you! If you haven't had the chance yet, this is second notification that the voting period for the vice-chair and secretary positions for the ID Pro Discussion Group is open until Friday, November 4, 2016, at 5pm Eastern Standard Time.
Each ID Pro Discussion Group participant is entitled to one vote. We are collecting your email address to ensure that only one vote is received by each member of the group. Please use the address associated with this group. This ballot is administered by Virtual, Inc., a third party vote administrator, and no data will be shared except for the results of the vote.
Please complete the survey here<https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/JMBGL7F>.
Thank you for your participation!
All the best,
Megan Cannon | Program Manager | Virtual, Inc.
D: +1.781.876.6287 | M: +1.781.258.5523
virtualmgmt.com <http://www.virtualmgmt.com/> | blog.virtualmgmt.com<http://blog.virtualmgmt.com/>
401 Edgewater Place, Suite 600, Wakefield, MA, 01880 USA
Dear ID Pro Discussion Group Members,
This is notification that the voting period for the vice-chair and secretary positions for the ID Pro Discussion Group is open from today, October 28, 2016, until Friday, November 4, 2016, at 5pm Eastern Standard Time.
Each ID Pro Discussion Group participant is entitled to one vote. We are collecting your email address to ensure that only one vote is received by each member of the group. Please use the address associated with this group. This ballot is administered by Virtual, Inc., a third party vote administrator, and no data will be shared except for the results of the vote.
Please complete the survey here<https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/JMBGL7F>.
Thank you for your participation!
All the best,
Megan Cannon | Program Manager | Virtual, Inc.
D: +1.781.876.6287 | M: +1.781.258.5523
virtualmgmt.com <http://www.virtualmgmt.com/> | blog.virtualmgmt.com<http://blog.virtualmgmt.com/>
401 Edgewater Place, Suite 600, Wakefield, MA, 01880 USA
"To advance the practice and profession of digital identity, authentication
and access control use and management to increase trust in digital
Ian Glazer
Senior Director, Identity
+1 202 255 3166
@iglazer <https://twitter.com/iglazer>
All -
I am going to send around each of the questions from the survey that we
discussed on Wednesday. Andrew Hughes will send along associated notes and
Question 2 - Vision Statement
Digital identities are used and managed professionally and ethically using
secure, privacy-protecting and reliable practices to offer high value
digital services.”
Ian Glazer
Senior Director, Identity
+1 202 255 3166
@iglazer <https://twitter.com/iglazer>