I still agree with Kaliya's question despite Dan's answer.  The need seems to be for professional certification. Why is the solution yet another organisation in identity? 


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On 8 Jun 2017, at 16:51, Dan Blum <dan.blum@security-architect.com> wrote:

Hi Kaliya,
The idea is that there is no "CISSP for identity professionals". Arguably there is no organization (like the IAPP for privacy professionals) that is formally chartered as a professional organization for identity professionals to create codes of ethics, bodies and knowledge and so forth. To agree on what an identify professional needs to know, train and certify a bona fide identity professional.

And there seems to a market demand - we have a lot of anecdotal indications that companies are having trouble finding qualified identity professionals, determining whether the ones they interviews are qualified, and in some cases training internal up to speed.

Best regards,

Dan Blum
Security Architects Partners
Check out the blog at http://security-architect.com
We are a highly-experienced group of consultants dedicated to helping clients plan, specify and develop security programs, policies and technology solutions.

PS - Completely coincidentally, I was just thinking early this morning about your Identity Identity Workshop conferences and how you used to (still?) introduce unconference proceeding by saying something like "whatever happened in a meeting was the only thing that could have happened, and it is ok." 

That seems like a great SIMPLIFYING ASSUMPTION FOR LIFE ITSELF! In the present moment, all that is past cannot be changed and the only resourceful thing to do with it is to learn for it. I love this! Looking forward to coming back to one of your conferences one of these days :-)

On Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 11:39 AM, Kaliya Identity Woman <kaliya@identitywoman.net> wrote:
Why are we building yet another organization in identity? 

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On Jun 8, 2017, at 8:15 AM, Ian Glazer <iglazer@salesforce.com> wrote:

All -

Our Member Services team did a great job putting together a corporate membership structure. In this structure, we do not differentiate between an enterprise member and a vendor member. But that said, there are some benefits such as brand placement and ability to submit curated content, that would appeal to vendor members more so than enterprise members.

My question to the collective: as an enterprise member, would you want to trade brand placement and other marketing benefits of membership for an increased number of individual memberships? For example, would you be willing to forego having your brand on the IDPro website in order to get a few more individual IDPro memberships you could give out to employees?


Ian Glazer
Senior Director, Identity
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