Thanks for those contributions Thorsten.
And also the links to those other associations regarding Mission.
Very helpful.

Just picking at this..

<<and a comment about the 'time'-perspective: is 'are recognized globally as' correct? What about 'are intended to be recognized....'?>>

I think a Vision statement can be made in the present tense as if the association has achieved the vision it set for itself and is describing itself as if it were already at that future state.

I have seen Vision statements both in present and forward looking, but not sure if one option is more technically correct than the other.


On Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 1:47 PM, Thorsten H. Niebuhr [WedaCon GmbH] <> wrote:


sorry for missing the last meeting, just checking the recording and meeting notes.

  • from the meeting notes
    • on the 'utility'/'value' translation (I am from germany): Usually, the term 'Utility' is linked solely to a 'tool' in its understanding here : 'A pen is a [utility|tool] to write a letter'. I think a good way to express it would be 'offer trustful services'
    • 'Digital': I really think we should not limit this to 'digital services' (whatever that  is). It should describe the situation that we have a 'digital representation of entities interacting with each other, while at least one of the entities represents or is linked to a real or legal person'. Andrew's suggestion does not include the term 'service' any more, which is a valid way to 'not limiting' as well.

so with that in mind, and assuming that

  • Subject is 'the Digital Identity Professionals and the ID Pro association'
  • Predicate is 'our statement'
  • Object is 'the digital Identity' or 'the service'?
  • using 'the trustful service' as the object:
    • 'Digital Identity Professionals and the ID Pro association are recognized globally as leaders in ethical, secure and privacy-protecting practices to enable the development, use and management of trustful services interacting with digital identities.'
and a comment about the 'time'-perspective: is 'are recognized globally as' correct? What about 'are intended to be recognized....'?


Thorsten H. Niebuhr /

WedaCon Informationstechnologien GmbH
Office: +49 (251) 399 678-22
Fax: +49 (251) 399 678-50
Mobile: +49 (174) 991 257 4
Kroegerweg 29 D-48155 Muenster

Amtsgericht Muenster HRB 6115
USt.-ID: DE216758544
StNr.: 336/5775/1487
Geschaeftsfuehrender Gesellschafter: Thorsten H. Niebuhr

On 20.10.2016 19:36, Andrew Hughes wrote:
Need to reword the Vision statement to be about the future state of the association, not the profession.

How does this sound:

"Digital Identity Professionals and the ID Pro association are recognized globally as leaders in ethical, secure and privacy-protecting practices for use and management of Digital Identities."

Andrew Hughes CISM CISSP 
Independent Consultant
In Turn Information Management Consulting

o  +1 650.209.7542
m +1 250.888.9474
1249 Palmer Road,
Victoria, BC V8P 2H8
Identity Management | IT Governance | Information Security 

On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 8:08 AM, Ian Glazer <> wrote:
All -

I am going to send around each of the questions from the survey that we discussed on Wednesday. Andrew Hughes will send along associated notes and revisions.

Question 2 - Vision Statement

Digital identities are used and managed professionally and ethically using secure, privacy-protecting and reliable practices to offer high value digital services.”


Ian Glazer
Senior Director, Identity

DG-IDPro mailing list

DG-IDPro mailing list

DG-IDPro mailing list

Executive Director
Cell: +44 (0)7490 266 778