Yours is like a nice warm blanked Sarah. I like it =) 

Perhaps a shorter cut could be...

"to foster ethics and excellence in the practice and profession of digital identity 
services business, policy, and technology development"

On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 8:02 AM Sarah Squire <> wrote:
Advancing the profession of professionals sounds a bit off. :) I do agree with Andrew and Joni's points. How about:

(The ID Pro association exists...)
"to foster ethics and excellence in the practice and profession of digital identity so that services and products leveraging digital identities strengthen society and the global economy"

Sarah Squire
Engage Identity

On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 5:44 AM, Ken Dagg <> wrote:
I like Andrew's suggestion but also wholeheartedly agree with Joni.  Does the following incorporate both:

To advance the profession and practices of digital identity professionals in order to enhance economic and societal growth.

I would suggest that this encompasses the delivery of identity-enabled services and products but also accommodates things such as respecting the privacy of individuals which go beyond the delivery of products and services.


On Wednesday, 26 October 2016, Chris Adriaensen <> wrote:
Agree with the need for ethical thinking in our domain - though ethics is often not black&white as it’s full of tough dilemma’s and shifts according to societal consensus - which also differs geographically. So as long as we promote ethical thinking and discussion but remain careful with stating consensus on topics we can make sure to be fully inclusive to the global community. To be clear, I’m all in favour for including it!

On 27 Oct 2016, at 00:00, Joni Brennan <> wrote:

Hello All,

Typed with a grain for salt as I am late to this thread admittedly.  

I would agree that confidence and trust are ultimate goals while being terribly subjective.  However, ethics in technology is more and more critical - especially in digital ID services.  Is it possible that the statement might benefit from the inclusion of something to indicate ethics as a priority, for example, to support opportunities for societal and economic growth.  

2 cents for consideration. 


On Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 2:18 PM Chris Adriaensen <> wrote:
IMHO I believe words like ‘trust’ or ‘confidence’ or too subjective and dependent upon once’s viewpoint (has more marketing power as such) - similar with question 2 I’m in favour for not mentioning what digital identity is actually used for but rather focusing on its use, and the practice and profession surrounding that. Chris

On 22 Oct 2016, at 15:27, Colin Wallis <> wrote:

We are starting to list things again, which carries its own dangers of what gets left out along the way over time.
Andrew's avoids that problem.

My 2c..


On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 4:08 PM, Ian Glazer <> wrote:
"To advance the practice and profession of digital identity, authentication and access control use and management to increase trust in digital services.”

Ian Glazer
Senior Director, Identity

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Kenneth Dagg
Independent Consultant
Identification and Authentication

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