Hi All,

got a hint from Andrew Hughes. that the tool (board.net) does not fully work with Safari/IE. So my approach to limit the collaboration boundaries just produced a new one, sorry for that...

I think we should invest a few minutes in the today's call to finally agree on the collaboration-tool to be used (mail, kantara-wiki, slack or...).

Unfortunately, I can not attend today's call, but Andrew Hughes already declared his availability for stand-in (thank you, Andrew!)



On 05.01.2017 16:08, Thorsten H. Niebuhr [WedaCon GmbH] wrote:

Hi All,

I am sorry: I have lost the participants list from the last call in december, the minutes are here.

To ease collaboration (some have slack, some dont, some can access kantara confluence, some dont), I have created a page on board.net (no login, the link is the 'secret' and the cookie your identity)

If you edit the page, please make sure to add your name to the pad (which will assign you a color that is used to highlight your contributions)


So we cant make it more easy to collaborate and participate, lets go!

@all from the IDPro List: the BoKkers subgroup is desperatly looking for contributors, so feel free to join us



On 19.12.2016 18:55, Andrew Hughes wrote:
Hi everyone - a quick note from today's call

Next call: January 9 2017

We discussed the taxonomy sub-levels of 'identification' and came up with:

Identification (Initial)
  • Identities
    • digital|social|online|philosophical identities, entities: Describe identities and its many facets, PII,...
  • Gathering/ Providing
    • how these informations are collected and aggregated
    • claims, attributes, relations, self-provided, stolen,....
    • ethics
  • Verification
    • verified and non-verified data and its use
    • Trust Levels
    • Uniqueness in a population
  • Information Recording (other wording: DataStorage, RecordCreation, .....)
    • Security
    • Protection
    • Privacy
    • Retention
    • Lifetime
Still to be bashed around, of course, but we settled on thinking about this segment as practices related to 'Initial Identification'. 

Stu Lincoln will take on the 'Management' segment over the next couple weeks
Andrew Hughes will take on 'Authentication' and 'Authorization' - but would be very happy to hand off one or both to YOU who are reading this right now :)

We discussed the point of doing a 'dart board' or 'layer' approach - essentially that this layer could/should be added or recognized in any ICT / IT / IM / ITSM management framework or architectural framework that exists for you and your clients. We probably all feel that 'identity' is not addressed fully & this is a way to add the relevant topics at the right time for your circumstances.

So - onwards!


Andrew Hughes CISM CISSP 
Independent Consultant
In Turn Information Management Consulting

o  +1 650.209.7542
m +1 250.888.9474
1249 Palmer Road,
Victoria, BC V8P 2H8

Identity Management | IT Governance | Information Security 

On Sat, Dec 17, 2016 at 8:23 AM, Ken Dagg <kendaggtbs@gmail.com> wrote:

Very interesting. I've been lurking on the group but unable to participate.

For the Identities sub level: would a better label be Information as the whole topic is about identities? Could sub topics be attributes (in the data modelling world I would have said entities) and sources?

For the fourth sub level would the label Protection work? Sub topics could be privacy and security. Does the concept of context, the situation in which the information is, or will be, used fit in this area? Or should it be somewhere else or a level unto itself?


On Sat, Dec 17, 2016 at 10:08 AM Thorsten H. Niebuhr [WedaCon GmbH] <tniebuhr@wedacon.net> wrote:

Well, so far no feedback at all, I will start with :


'The process by which an identities' information is

gathered and verified for accuracy'

The Identification Section contains general concepts used

to describe the nature of digital assets that are, or are used to

establish (and remove) links to objects in the real world which do

have either directly or indirectly a relationship to a human


[Further descriptions, eg mention 'Joiner' and 'Leaver'


The four sublevels

  • Identities

    • digital|social|online|philosophical identities, entities:

      Describe identities and its many facets, PII,...

  • Gathering/ Providing

    • how these informations are collected and aggregated

    • claims, attributes, relations, self-provided, stolen,....

    • ethics

  • Verification

    • verified and non-verified data and its use

    • Trust Levels

  • Process? Privacy?

I am not sure about the fourth sublevel, maybe someone has a

better idea?


On 12.12.2016 21:52, Thorsten H.

Niebuhr [WedaCon GmbH] wrote:

Hi (BoKkers) Group,

during todays meeting (minutes here)

we decided to discuss the Toplevels and each of their 4

sublevels in more detail. To speed up the process and by

triggering the group, I will create 4 Mailthreads for each

toplevel to be used for discussion.

Each of these Mailthread should, best by next monday

  • have found a 'leader' who will take responsibility

    for the discussion

  • have found 4 sublevels (so 4 areas that can be used

    to further sort processes, terms, knowledge,etc) within the

    given toplevel

  • have seen a great level of discussion

For sure the most important part here is to find someone who

will lead and drive the discussion, or is even willing to take

over one of the areas on his/her own. So if you can spent 1-2

hrs of your available time, it would be much appreciated!

The first mailthread is the one you are reading here right

, the others will be 'Management', 'Authentication',


Thnks for your contribution

Thorsten Niebuhr

Hi all,

During todays meeting (minutes here)

we discussed further refinements for the Dart- Board-Model,

especially on the 'upper layer' which deals with Identity

Management topics only, while relying on the lower three

layers for operation,implementation,planning.

Our next goal is to 'slice the cake', to find sublevels to the four TopLevels we decided to start with so

far. The sublevels mentioned below (in green) are just


The best case scenario for this would be to find four generic

terms within each of the TopLevels.

  • Identification

    Processes around validating identities (digital or physical)

    and as the 'entry'/'leave' point on a given domain.This does

    NOT deal with Authentication!

    • Proof/Verification

    • Register

    • De-Register

    • Data Portability (Transfer)

  • Management

    Processes around the management of Identity Data

    • Enrollment

    • Dis-Enrollment

    • Privacy

    • Federation

  • Authorization

    Processes related to Authorization

    • ...

    • ...

    • ...

    • ...

  • Authentication

    Processes related to Authentication

    • ...

    • ...

    • ...

Finally, to check the validity of the model, we will

investigate typical IAM-Topics if we are able to find

appropriate paths to describe the given topic in the model.

here is a quick example on how I think this model could be

applied (example used: 'Identity Provider')

  • Function of an 'Identity Provider'

    • Needs to offer functions from 'Identification' to

      • validate a given Identity against real or other

        digital data

      • Following Process ABC

      • using technology XYZ

      • ...further definitions on the lower layers

        (Operations, implementations,planning)

      • (do we need to add a layer for legal aspects?)

    • Management

      • ...

    • Authorization

      • ...

    • Authentication

      • ...

So the Task (especially for those who gave their commitment

to the BoK/Taxonomy) is to

  • Find propper sublevels as described above

  • exercise typical usecases from the IDM World against the


Thanks in advance,

for the BoK-Subgroup



Thorsten H. Niebuhr

tniebuhr@wedacon.net /



Informationstechnologien GmbH

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DG-IDPro mailing list




DG-IDPro mailing list



_______________________________________________ DG-IDPro mailing list DG-IDPro@kantarainitiative.org http://kantarainitiative.org/mailman/listinfo/dg-idpro
Kenneth Dagg Independent Consultant Identification and Authentication 613-825-2091 kendaggtbs@gmail.com
_______________________________________________ DG-IDPro mailing list DG-IDPro@kantarainitiative.org http://kantarainitiative.org/mailman/listinfo/dg-idpro
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