Dear Kantara ID Pro DG:


Nominations are now open for the Kantara ID Pro Discussion Group (DG) officer positions until 5:00pm Eastern on 19 October 2016.  If you would like to nominate someone or self-nominate for an officer position please send your nomination by return email to


Please note that due to the expected multiple projects operating in this DG, the roles of the DG Vice Chair and DG Secretary will include significant co-ordination activity.  It is estimated that the workload of these roles is likely to be about 5 hours per week including meetings, possibly more, until the RSA event. The leadership teams and Leadership Council will work with the DG to manage workloads.


Nominations may be sent in for one or more of the below open positions:

1)      Vice-Chair one position (1)

2)      Secretary one position (1)


The roles and responsibilities as defined by the Kantara Operating Procedures are below and online for reference.



Shannon Taylor



SECTION 5.6:  DG Chair 

The DG chair shall serve as the DG (non-voting) representative to the Leadership Council. The duties and responsibilities of a DG chair include:


a)      Serve as the DG (non-voting) representative to the Leadership Council;

b)      Scheduling and providing timely notice of DG meetings;

c)       Chairing DG meetings in an unbiased manner;

d)      Appointing such persons as may be needed to expedite DG business (e.g. recording secretary);

e)      Ensuring Organization Bylaws and other policies are followed;

f)       Assuring fair and open participation in the DG; and

g)      Seeking consensus of the DG as a means of resolving all issues.


SECTION 5.7:  DG Vice-Chair

The duties and responsibilities of a DG Vice-Chair are to carry out the responsibilities of the chair in the chair’s absence. The DG Vice-Chair is the alternate DG representative to the Leadership Council.


SECTION 5.8:  DG Secretary

This role is optional.  Duties and responsibilities could include:

a)      Editing and publishing meeting minutes and agendas;

b)      Recording meeting participation in the public Roster;

c)       Conducting electronic votes