Well, so far no feedback at all, I will start with :


'The process by which an identities' information is gathered and verified for accuracy'

The Identification Section contains general concepts used to describe the nature of digital assets that are, or are used to establish (and remove) links to objects in the real world which do have either directly or indirectly a relationship to a human being.

[Further descriptions, eg mention 'Joiner' and 'Leaver' concepts.]

The four sublevels

I am not sure about the fourth sublevel, maybe someone has a better idea?


On 12.12.2016 21:52, Thorsten H. Niebuhr [WedaCon GmbH] wrote:

Hi (BoKkers) Group,

during todays meeting (minutes here) we decided to discuss the Toplevels and each of their 4 sublevels in more detail. To speed up the process and by triggering the group, I will create 4 Mailthreads for each toplevel to be used for discussion.

Each of these Mailthread should, best by next monday

For sure the most important part here is to find someone who will lead and drive the discussion, or is even willing to take over one of the areas on his/her own. So if you can spent 1-2 hrs of your available time, it would be much appreciated!

The first mailthread is the one you are reading here right now, the others will be 'Management', 'Authentication', 'Authorization'.

Thnks for your contribution

Thorsten Niebuhr

Hi all,

During todays meeting (minutes here) we discussed further refinements for the Dart- Board-Model, especially on the 'upper layer' which deals with Identity Management topics only, while relying on the lower three layers for operation,implementation,planning.

Our next goal is to 'slice the cake', to find sublevels to the four TopLevels we decided to start with so far. The sublevels mentioned below (in green) are just examples.

The best case scenario for this would be to find four generic terms within each of the TopLevels.

Finally, to check the validity of the model, we will investigate typical IAM-Topics if we are able to find appropriate paths to describe the given topic in the model.

here is a quick example on how I think this model could be applied (example used: 'Identity Provider')

So the Task (especially for those who gave their commitment to the BoK/Taxonomy) is to

Thanks in advance,

for the BoK-Subgroup



Thorsten H. Niebuhr

WedaCon Informationstechnologien GmbH
Office: +49 (251) 399 678-22
Fax: +49 (251) 399 678-50
Mobile: +49 (174) 991 257 4
Kroegerweg 29 D-48155 Muenster

Amtsgericht Muenster HRB 6115
USt.-ID: DE216758544
StNr.: 336/5775/1487
Geschaeftsfuehrender Gesellschafter: Thorsten H. Niebuhr

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