Wow, that poster is indeed very problematic. 


It's not just wrong with respect to IDAM common practice, but from first principles. It says "attributes" include 'what you are' and 'what you have' but then fails to list any biometrics or physical factors. A driver license number is not something you "have"; a date of birth is not something you "are". 


And what confusion leads to the "physics of the identity ecosystem" notion?  It's a useless metaphor (check out the shudder quotes around "physics" in the poster).  If there is any real science in identity ecosystems, then it has to be ecology! 






Stephen Wilson

Managing Director

Lockstep Group


M:   +61 (0)414 488 851


T:   @steve_lockstep


Lockstep Consulting provides independent specialist advice and analysis

on digital identity and privacy.  Lockstep Technologies develops unique

new smart ID solutions that enhance privacy and prevent identity theft.







-----Original Message-----
From: "Kaliya Identity Woman" <>
Sent: Tuesday, 7 March, 2017 3:24pm
To: "" <>
Subject: [DG-IDPro] IdM Poster. (thats wrong)

HI ID Pro's
As those of you know who attended the ID-Pro breakfast at RSA.. I'm in the new Masters of Science in Identity Management and Security at UT Austin. 
There have been some challenges in what has been taught... including that the factors of authentication are not that...but  "identifying Information" or as in the poster below says "Identity Attributes" 
They also have taught that password are identifiers (yes this was actually taught)... in this poster on the other side they are identity attributes..yes identity attributes. Sigh.  I have raised issues about these two things that have been taught...and well not gotten very far. (besides being told i'm a "bad student" and "unwilling to learn". 
But now they have this fabulous poster. I'm hoping some of you with blogs or twitter handles can point at the poster -  references it and explain why both things are wrong. (cause they, specifically Dr. Barber and Dr. Doty don't believe me. 
Or maybe this group could write a joint letter explaining its 'wrongness" it snot great that this center is putting out this doesn't help us in the long run get explaining this stuff right. 
Here is the post on their site with the poster.


Here is Dr Barbers faculty page - 


Dr. Doty's