Nice - thanks for sharing this Kaliya - looks like a fun session and research opportunity.

On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 3:22 PM, Kaliya Identity Woman <> wrote:
This is all very exciting Ian.  

In the spirit of sharing cool sessions at CIS. 

I'm hosting an interactive session on Thursday afternoon.

If you are keen to share an unsolved challenge with me but can't make it to the session.  Either  find me at the conference or send me a note off list and you can have the opportunity to share your challenge and it can be incorporated into our reserach.  

- Kaliya

3:45 PM - 4:35 PM | Unsolved Enterprise Identity Challenges 

Are you a CTO or CISSO with critical identity management, access control, or data privacy challenges? Then this is your session! In this interactive session, you will share and hear about challenges – the ones that can’t be solved by existing commercial technology. We are eliciting Identity Management challenges for Cyber Security research funding. Let’s get your critical needs on the Identity Management Research Agenda!

On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 7:49 AM, Ian Glazer <> wrote:
Hi everyone -

We are a week out from CIS and I cannot wait. Tuesday is our day for IDPro at CIS. Kicking off with my keynote at 8:45 and going throughout the day there is great "soft skills" content for identity professionals:
  • 8:45 - The Next Step for Identity Professionals: De-weaponizing Identity Systems - Ian
  • 9:30 - Intelligent Identity starts with intelligent identity professionals - Sarah and Colin
  • 10:40 - Agile Project Management for Agile Identity - TBD
  • 2:30 - Anatomy of a Rockstar Identity team - Sarah
  • 3:05 - Coaching as a Driver of Innovation - John Bruce
  • 3:40 - The Intersection of Finance and Identity Management: Routing Your Way to Project Approval - David Lundell
  • 4:20 - Knock, Knock: Identity is Here. Identity Who? Exactly. - Lance, Hutch, Frank V, and Ian
Also, we are going to have an informal no-host happy hour at 6 at the Chicago Burger Company bar, which is in the Sheraton. See you there!

One last thing, I am going to ask everyone who signed the IDPro Pledge as well as everyone who is a member of this DG to stand and be recognized during my keynote. I know it is early, but if you can get to my 8:45 keynote, please do so that you can receive the recognition you are due!

See you in Chicago, 


PS - There's still time to get on stage during my keynote as a Founding Corporate member by signing an LOI. Let me know if your organization is interested.

Ian Glazer
Senior Director, Identity

DG-IDPro mailing list

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Ian Glazer
Senior Director, Identity
+1 202 255 3166