All, Please note the first meeting for the ID Pro Code of Conduct work stream will be held on November 29 at 2:00pm eastern. The details are below and also in the Google calendar. <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/render?tab=wc&pli=1#main_7%7Cweek-2+23 941+23945+23942> Please let me know if you have any questions. Regards, Shannon _____ Tuesday, November 29 2:00pm Eastern Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/493642077 You can also dial in using your phone. United States +1 (312) 757-3129 Access Code: 493-642-077 More phone numbers Australia +61 2 8355 1040 Austria +43 7 2088 0034 Belgium +32 (0) 28 93 7018 Canada +1 (647) 497-9391 Denmark +45 69 91 89 28 Finland +358 (0) 923 17 0568 France +33 (0) 170 950 594 Germany +49 (0) 692 5736 7211 Ireland +353 (0) 15 360 728 Italy +39 0 247 92 13 01 Netherlands +31 (0) 208 080 219 New Zealand +64 9 280 6302 Norway +47 75 80 32 07 Spain +34 955 32 0845 Sweden +46 (0) 853 527 836 Switzerland +41 (0) 435 0167 13 United Kingdom +44 (0) 330 221 0088