On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 3:50 PM, Ian Glazer <iglazer@salesforce.com> wrote:
Second, I will note the trickiness with enumerated lists. As an organization that will have inclusion as its starting point, it isn't simple to include everything we want in lists. I highly recommend both for this effort as well as others throughout this planning process that we consider language to indicate that a list isn't meant to be definitive. I would recommend that we use language like "IDPro believes in principles such as X, Y, and Z" versus "IDPro believe in principles X, Y, and Z." 

Third, we need a more explicit "do no harm" statement in the code of ethics.

Agreed; though with a caveat that 'harm' is sometimes a tricky thing to define (witness current 'right to die' debate in the medical profession).  That's not an argument against having such a statement, just recognition that the existence of said statement might engender further (complex) discussion.
Fourth, there's a meta-point in this thread that Giles/Andi need to take note of for the Services planning and that is IDPro should point to and (eventually) offer a variety of service such as diversity and anti-bias training along with other forms of professional training. To start we can point to resources and go from there. WISP, for example, organizes different kinds of training which members still have to pay for and I think we can replicate that model.

#memServ Duly noted.


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