An interesting question is whether the BoK is to document the digital identity status quo, or to also move our shared understanding into relatively less-charted levels. For example, Ian Glazer proposed an innovative threat model, and a maturity model, that I haven't seen elsewhere. 

I summarize and link to the Changing Face/Fate of Identity talk from Ian in this post. You'll note reference to Ian's thinking that transparency and accountability controls must be added to preventative IAM controls. Note my thoughts there that applying these and other advanced controls will be challenging in the post-GDPR era - but perhaps essential for businesses to retain the ability to go-to-market with customers in digital. 

In short I believe that we may be earlier in the evolution of digital identity architecture than most think, and would be an advocate for a forward-looking BoK...

Looking forward to today's discussion!

Dan Blum
Security Architects Partners / KuppingerCole
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On Mon, Apr 24, 2017 at 7:46 AM, Megan Cannon <> wrote:


Please join us today for our BoK / Taxonomy meeting at 11am EDT. Dial in details are listed below; you may view the complete list of call details for each meeting by accessing the Kantara calendar.

All the best,



BoK/Taxonomy WG
Monday, April 24, 2017

11:00am to 12:00pm Eastern Daylight Time

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Megan Cannon
Kantara Initiative, Inc.

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