Hi, just finished enjoying the recordings of the two last meetings (and I really have to say: its a real joy listenig to that), here are my 'cents' to it * I hear a lot about the audience being those who 'implement/ design IDM solutions'. I think we should use the ID-Pro Org to stress the whole industry about the importance (and best practice) to deal with 'digital identities', so to stop developers to implement their own silo of identity data, because its so easy to create an additional table in their database. Identity Management should not be someting 'special', it should have the same standing as 'database technology' within studies. Given that, we should try to get 'buy-in' and support from universities/ 'whatever' in general. So one goal could be to promote those best practices we seek to define to be placed as a 'standard course' within the study of IT. Of course, all courses dealing with that issue (HR, CRM) are stakeholders as well, but in the end, if it is 'digital', 'Developers' will do the job. maybe one of the 'project areas' we could start (named 'Promoting Best Practices on Digital Identity Management'). That would also prevent us from acting on the 'tower of excelence', not being of interest for the 'non ID Professionals' * T. -- WedaCon Informationstechnologien GmbH <http://www.wedacon.net> Thorsten H. Niebuhr tniebuhr@wedacon.net / tniebuhr@wedacon.de <mailto:tniebuhr@wedacon.net> WedaCon Informationstechnologien GmbH Office: +49 (251) 399 678-22 Fax: +49 (251) 399 678-50 Mobile: +49 (174) 991 257 4 Kroegerweg 29 D-48155 Muenster http://www.wedacon.net Amtsgericht Muenster HRB 6115 USt.-ID: DE216758544 StNr.: 336/5775/1487 Geschaeftsfuehrender Gesellschafter: Thorsten H. Niebuhr
participants (1)
Thorsten H. Niebuhr [WedaCon GmbH]