Good call today - apologies for the mixup with the conference call lines - thanks for everyone who was able to quickly switch over to the backup plan.

New conference call codes are on the Wiki landing page:
I'll send reminders before next call.

Meeting notes are here:

  • We ran through the DG objectives, terminology and style guidance - this call is the last time we'll do this - if anyone would like to get an introduction, I can set up time for a call
  • We talked about an approach to avoid duplicating effort by multiple contributors - see the notes
  • We talked about additional sources for use cases: Aadhaar, Peru KYC, Mexico KYC & Voting; Alipay eKYC; W3C Decentralized Identifier & Verifiable Credentials have some use cases that might fit the DG mandate; PayPal. The DG has strong contacts for these sources.
NO CALL December 26 & January 2

Great engagement and energy in the DG - very encouraging!

Andrew Hughes CISM CISSP 
In Turn Information Management Consulting

o  +1 650.209.7542
m +1 250.888.9474
1249 Palmer Road, Victoria, BC V8P 2H8
Digital Identity | International Standards | Information Security