I attend some of the KERI meetings. I cannot imagine what use this group would have for an self-issued ID. Neither the verifier or trust registry qualify AFAIK. And the user authn doesn't seem to be in scope, although that could change if an interesting use case were presented.

That said, KERI does have one very interesting feature worth considering. They "PRE-ROLL" the keys. That is the next key is included in the did-doc. That is a great idea that I intend to use myself. As a result the method is not dependent on any DLT blockchain. I happen to like that was well. The DLT there is significant.

Peace ..tom

On Tue, Nov 17, 2020 at 9:20 AM John Wunderlich (Confluence) <confluence@kantarainitiative.org> wrote:
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John Wunderlich edited at 9:17 AM
Link to KERI.ONE
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Item Description URL Notes
1 ISO 18013-5

Mobile driving licence (mDL) application

https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso-iec:18013:-5:dis:ed-1:v1:en This is the publicly available ISO online browsing platform. The full text is not publicly available
2 Secure Technology Alliance The mDL initiative at the STA https://www.securetechalliance.org/mobile-drivers-license-initiative/
3 W3C DID core Decentralized Identifiers https://www.w3.org/TR/2020/WD-did-core-20201012/
4 W3C Verified Credentials VC Data Model https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-data-model/
5 Data Privacy Vocabulary

W3C Community Group

Draft Vocabulary



6 Tele-Medicine Use Case from Kantara Healthcare Identity Assurance work group https://wiki.idesg.org/wiki/index.php/Mobile_Driver%27s_License_in_Healthcare#Full_Title also has some open question for this group
7 KERI.ONE Key Event Receipt Infrastructure (KERI) https://keri.one Would be interested in commentary on this with respect to key management in the mDL ecosystem.



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