Dear PImDL Discussion Group Participants,

I hope this email finds you well. This email is serving as an official notification that the nomination period for the PmDL Discussion Group (DG) is now open. 

According to the Operating Procedures, Section 5.1.2, a Discussion Group shall have one or more Chairs elected from the DG Participants. The DG may designate one Chair as the DG Chair with the other Chairs as DG Vice-Chairs. At least one DG Chair shall be a Kantara Initiative member in good standing.

A DG Secretary position is optional.

The Officer positions applicable are:

If you would like to be a candidate for Chair, Vice-Chair (up to 2) or Secretary, please submit your nomination (or agree to be nominated by someone else) via email to with the following information no later than 5pm Eastern Time on November 5th, 2020.

Process: This election process reflects Article 4.1.3 WG Elections in the Operating Procedures v3.0. If there is more than one nominee for each role, Staff will open an electronic ballot of candidates for DG Participants in accordance with Section 6.3 Electronic Ballots of the Operating Procedures v3.0 for those roles as soon as possible after the closing date and open for 7 days, but in any case, opening no later than November 6, 2020.

For the avoidance of doubt, DG participants are those that have completed the Group Participation Agreement and appear on the DG's Participant Roster. 

Any uncontested positions as of the close of the nomination period will automatically be considered as appointed, and announced by email after the close of the election period and also by acclamation at the next calendared meeting. 

The new slate of officers will officially assume their duties as of November 16th

Kind regards,

The Kantara Staff
Kantara Initiative, Inc.


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