did you see my earlier posting on healthcare ID?

Be the change you want to see in the world ..tom

On Tue, Mar 9, 2021 at 10:19 AM Richard G. WILSHER (@Zygma) <RGW@zygma.biz> wrote:

I could be having an epiphany or I could just be rather dumb …  but here goes.

The paper you referred us to Tom has all the attributes [general usage] of the mDL but a totally different purpose.  Could we / should we therefore take a broader perspective on 18013-5 and rather than focus on the mDL per se (though it is a good subject for thinking around) think more of a Personal Identification Digital Document (PIDD) or potentially (though privacy risks abound) a PIDD ‘Store’, i.e. the common PII with other meta-data specific to a particular use, e.g. mDL, Cert of Vaccination … or of any other worthy attribute? 


There is nothing about an mDL which is so special, is there?  I get the point that as a focus for a specific instantiation it is valuable, but a slant in one’s perspective opens up the basic tool for many parallel purposes, as the referenced paper suggests. 

Does this make any sense?


Richard G. WILSHER
Founder & CEO,  Zygma Inc.
Operating independently since 1993

M: +1 714 797 99 42
W:  www.Zygma.biz


From: Dg-mdl [mailto:dg-mdl-bounces@kantarainitiative.org] On Behalf Of Tom Jones
Sent: Tuesday, March 9, 2021 16:19
To: mdl Kantara
Subject: [Dg-PImDL] Here is another non-DL use for 18013-5


I suspect that the non-DL applications will eventually be larger than the DL use cases.



Be the change you want to see in the world ..tom