This is an FYI, in case you weren’t aware of it. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Cathy Medich <cmedich@securetechalliance.org> Date: Oct 27, 2020, 15:20 -0400 To: accesscontrol-council@alliance-forumgroups.org, identity-council@alliance-forumgroups.org, mobiledriverslicense@alliance-forumgroups.org, payments-council@alliance-forumgroups.org, transportation-council@alliance-forumgroups.org, hhsc-council@alliance-forumgroups.org, mobile-council@alliance-forumgroups.org Cc: sta-board@alliance-forumgroups.org Subject: [STA - IDC Mobile Driver's License] Final Reminder: Register for "Challenges to the mDL Ecosystem" Webinar
This is to remind you to register for the fourth Identity Council mDL webinar, Challenges to the mDL Ecosystem, that is being held on Wednesday, October 28, at 1pm ET/10am PT. The webinar is the last in a series of four webinars on mobile driver’s licenses. The webinar will focus on the challenges to robust growth of the mDL ecosystem and industry activities to address them. Speakers for the fourth webinar are: Arjan Geluk, UL; Loffie Jordaan, AAMVA; David Kelts, GET Group North America; Tom Lockwood, NextgenID; Mindy Stephens, AAMVA; Randy Vanderhoof, Secure Technology Alliance. If you haven’t already registered, you can register for the webinar at https://securetechalliance.webex.com/securetechalliance/onstage/g.php?MTID=e....
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