Reminder: eballot to Approve to shut down the PImDL DG

Dear PImDL Discussion Group, This is a reminder that the eBallot to approve the self-shut down and archive of the Privacy & Identity Protection in mobile Driving License ecosystems DG ( 5376) is still open. Section 4.4.2: WG Shutdown < 7750179/104600198/KI%20Operating%20Procedures%20Version%203.0.pdf> (part e) of the Operating Procedures says, "A WG may at any time vote to De-Charter itself by a Super Majority of those voting on the motion to shut down the WG. The result of the vote to De-Charter must be put before the LC for ratification". This ballot requires a super majority (75%) of the participants voting (from the Participant Roster <> ) in favor of self-shutdown. Please view the eballot on Survey Monkey and cast your vote online here: eBallot Closing Date: This ballot will close this Thursday, July 22nd at 12:00pm ET. Best Regards, The Kantara Staff <> Receive Kantara News <> & Updates Kantara Initiative <> , Kantara <> Educational Foundation & Kantara Europe <>

Hi; If you haven’t had a chance to vote on this yet, please take a moment to do so. I hope to see you on the other side when (if) a working group is struck to create conformance standards for mobile driving licences or credentials. Thanks, JW ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Date: Jul 20, 2021, 10:00 AM -0400 To: Subject: [Dg-PImDL] Reminder: eballot to Approve to shut down the PImDL DG
Dear PImDL Discussion Group, This is a reminder that the eBallot to approve the self-shut down and archive of the Privacy & Identity Protection in mobile Driving License ecosystems DG ( is still open. Section 4.4.2: WG Shutdown (part e) of the Operating Procedures says, “A WG may at any time vote to De-Charter itself by a Super Majority of those voting on the motion to shut down the WG. The result of the vote to De-Charter must be put before the LC for ratification”. This ballot requires a super majority (75%) of the participants voting (from the Participant Roster) in favor of self-shutdown. Please view the eballot on Survey Monkey and cast your vote online here: eBallot Closing Date: This ballot will close this Thursday, July 22nd at 12:00pm ET. Best Regards, The Kantara Staff Receive Kantara News & Updates Kantara Initiative, Kantara Educational Foundation & Kantara Europe _______________________________________________ Dg-mdl mailing list
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participants (2)
John Wunderlich