Folks Apologies in advance for cross-posting. Please find AAMVA's response to its RFI issued at the end of last year. You'll recall that Kantara did a joint response with the Future Identity Council <https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/mdl/Reference+documents+for+the+discussion+group> (in a very compressed timeframe) which may prove helpful as you read AAMVA's response. You can sense that the input on the governance model etc has resonated. Kind regards Colin Executive Director ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Sampson, Alaster <ASampson@aamva.org> Date: Tue, May 4, 2021 at 1:24 PM Subject: mDL RFI update To: Cc: Joy, Mekala <mjoy@aamva.org>, Ross, Siedah <SRoss@aamva.org> Offerors, Thank you for responding to the mDL Digital Trust Service RFI. AAMVA appreciates your input and the AAMVA team reviewed all the responses received. AAMVA Board has voted to move forward with this effort as summarized in the attached document. More info to come. Thank You, Alaster *Alaster Sampson, MBA* Senior Manager, Purchasing American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) asampson@aamva.org D: 1-703-908-5877 4401 Wilson Blvd, Suite 700 | Arlington, VA 22203 *Safe Drivers, Safe Vehicles, Secure Identities, Saving Lives!* *aamva.org <https://www.aamva.org/>*
participants (1)
Colin Wallis Kantara