Meeting Notes 3/15/2007, 3-4pm EDT
Jeff, Gerald, Uppili, Robin
1. Identity Landscape Presentation
The presentation was presented at Liberty TEG, where some
changes have been suggested. These have been incorporated into the presentation
and will likely also go into the paper. This presentation should also be taken
to OSIS, Liberty PPEG, BMEG and other forums.
AI: Robin and Gerald to coordinate Liberty PPEG and BMEG
presentation AI: Uppili and Jeff will assist Gerald with the presentation at
OSIS AI: Uppili will give try to give feedback before next OSIS call
Robin mentions another Identity paper by John Madlin and
Luke Razell that covers some aspects of our paper. The paper is here.
We should at least include this as a reference.
2. Proposed Timeline/Milestones
Jeff thinks that this seems aggressive, but doable. Robin
asks what we could have ready by Brussels Liberty meeting (4/24/07)? There
should be a reasonable draft, including a standalone presentation and
introduction. This would add a milestone for 4/20. Jeff is quite interested in
having some presentable material by then also.
3. Promoting the Paper
The following venues/people should be contacted regarding
4. AOB
Jeff notes that the younger generation has very different
identity needs: there is much less need for privacy and fear of identity
'theft', since many have a multitude of digital identities and change them
frequently. For different groups, there are also other cultural aspects beyond
the generation gap.
Robin: we have to cater to the fact that folks are using
different digital personas/identities. E.g. young people do change their identities
quite frequently, while many of us use multiple identities as well, e.g.
work/private, blog commenting etc. Also, multiple personas can be a quite
effective privacy protection mechanism (single use identity, credit card, etc.)
The next meeting is on 3/29/07 at
3pm ET.