
You will see that the ID Pro SC call was cancelled today.  

My intention was to get this email to you beforehand so you could use the time that would have been devoted to the call, to reading through this document.
Unfortunately, I had too much inbound, owing to vacation and CIW the week before. So here is that email now, along with a significantly revised version from ID Pro.

I think you all had seen the original version, either via the Kantara Board or the ID Pro Board, with the Kantara Board's review eliciting 3 comments.

This morning Virtual and I received this revised draft, attached.

Below please find an extract from Ian's email accompanying the revised draft. 

"IDPRo's Board in conjunction with its counsel has consolidated its comments into the attached. Our starting place for the comments and changes is one of mutual success: we want Kantara and IDPro to be successful during and after the separation and we want a successful ongoing relationship. Although it may appear that we have done a wholesale re-write of the agreement, but that is not the case. We attempted to do two major things: streamline the agreement and ensure reciprocity in terms of opportunities and protections".

From Kantara's perspective, since ID Pro's response is not a clause by clause response, but a substantial rewrite, I won't be asking the main Board nor the Board SC for their comments just yet, until this has had Counsel review and my review of those, so that we get back to the position we got to a couple of weeks ago after a long haul through the summer, of being able to discuss and seek comments on a limited set of points of substance.  

But meanwhile, please read and collect your thoughts and comments, while I work it through with Virtual's/Kantara's Counsel.

Many thanks


Executive Director
Cell: +44 (0)7490 266 778