Thanks Megan

I think we should:

1) signal the intention to begin collecting dues via Kantara mid May - mid June timeframe.

2) get an indication of attendances at IIW, EIC and CIS and signal ID Pro sessions. Kanara's pre-conference workshops at both EIC and CIS have pencilled slots for ID Pro, but both events also have separate speaking by Ian + others. 


Executive Director
Cell: +44 (0)7490 266 778

On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 10:04 PM, Megan Cannon <> wrote:

Hi all,


I’m using this thread to start a discussion on what we should put on the agenda for our next full DG meeting, which will be April 19 at 11am ET. Here are some items to get us started, in no particular order:


1.       Welcome to any new participants

2.       Brief overview of history (if we have new folks)

3.       Report outs on working groups

4.       Share the new logo / website / twitter acct

5.       Next steps, how people can get involved




Megan Cannon  |  Program Manager | Virtual, Inc.

D: +1.781.876.6287  |  M: +1.781.258.5523  |

401 Edgewater Place, Suite 600, Wakefield, MA, 01880 USA




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