Hi All,


Colin and I were able to sync yesterday on all things ID Pro.  Current status on the ID Pro Initiative is below.


Please note that I am on vacation thru the end of the week and will return to work on Monday, September 19. Colin and Alysia are around and able to answer questions etc.







·         355 pledgees in total

·         64 of the 355 did not agree to be contacted

·         On Sept 9 we reached out to the 64 to give them the opportunity to allow us to contact them about the ID Pro initiative.  Since then 6 have indicated we may contact them taking our “do not contact” total down to 58. 



·         Sept 7 launched

·         83 responses as of Sept 14

·         Reminders still going out

·         Sept 21 closes (we will close it out before we download the responses to allow any late takers)

·         Sept 22 survey responses downloaded and issued to the sub-committee


Consent Receipt

·         Keep in mind that one of the two reasons we did not launch the Discussion Group sign up with the survey was because the Consent Receipt was undergoing a refresh.  We have now taken this off the table for launch with the ID Pro discussion group sign up as there is still work to be done.


Privacy Policy

·         This was the second reason we did not launch the DG with the survey. The updated content has been completed and will be uploaded to the website.


Email Reflector

·         Created and ready once pledgees sign up for the Discussion Group they will be added to the email reflector.


Group Participation Agreement

·         https://kantarainitiative.org/beta-signup/?selectedGroup=40

·         Consent receipt removed per the above

·         Only open to those who have signed the pledge

·         Final edits are being made, once complete we will let you know for more testing.


Next Sub-Committee Meeting

·         Monday, September 19 at 1:00pm EDT

o   Agenda: status on launching the DG sign up; choose a first date for the DG to meet.


Launch the DG Sign Up

·         No later than Wednesday, September 22

·         Primary messages:  sign up for the DG and attend the first meeting


First Meeting of the DG

·         TBD at the Sub-Committee meeting on the 19th.