Looks about right...

One thought - how easy would it be to put #2 first then #3, pull the name/address etc from PayPal, then #1 as a confirmation step?

It would be nice to optionally collect twitter handles to allow a post-registration mutual follow - I don't think that's a large personal information liability to have that in the simple starter profile - probably same degree as email addy.

Andrew Hughes CISM CISSP 
Independent Consultant
In Turn Information Management Consulting

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1249 Palmer Road,
Victoria, BC V8P 2H8

Identity Management | IT Governance | Information Security 

On Fri, Jun 16, 2017 at 9:47 AM, Sarah Squire <sarah@engageidentity.com> wrote:

I'm building out the join experience today and tomorrow. Here's the flow I'm envisioning:

1. Form with name, title, org, email address
2. Code of conduct with checkbox to agree
3. Redirect to paypal and pay
4. Redirect back to IDPro "welcome to the org" page
5. Someone manually adds them to the mailman list (I'm sure we can find a way to automate that later)
6. Someone sends them a welcome email (again, automate that later)

Thoughts? Any steps I'm missing? Anything that could make the experience awesomer? Any other information we legally need to collect from them as members?

Sarah Squire
Engage Identity

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