Some very minor points:

1. I realize "exclusive" is a nice buzzword but I would suggest it's excessive. I'm okay with it in the Subject but I'd suggest leaving it out of the body of the message.

2. I think there's a typo in this "to bring to consensus the items". Would it be better as "to bring consensus to the items"?

3. I think there is a typo in "to define the scope of content including the initial body of knowledge". Should it be "to define the scope of content to be included in the initial body of knowledge"?

Great job,

On Monday, 19 September 2016, Shannon Taylor <> wrote:



I would appreciate your review of the email we plan to send on Sept 22 to pledgees asking them to sign up to participate in the Discussion Group.


You can find the content on the ID Pro Google Drive.


Thanks for your edits/comments by 4:00pm Eastern tomorrow.




Kenneth Dagg
Independent Consultant
Identification and Authentication