...and that will be the same for me, and possibly Thorsten, and Ian.

Could another member of staff open the call please. We may find insufficient numbers for the call to last very long.


Executive Director
Cell: +44 (0)7490 266 778

On Fri, May 5, 2017 at 10:25 PM, Andrew Hughes <andrewhughes3000@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks Megan - I won't be on next week's BoK call - will be at the European Identity Conference in Munich

Andrew Hughes CISM CISSP 
Independent Consultant
In Turn Information Management Consulting

o  +1 650.209.7542
m +1 250.888.9474
1249 Palmer Road,
Victoria, BC V8P 2H8

Identity Management | IT Governance | Information Security 

On Fri, May 5, 2017 at 1:29 PM, Megan Cannon <mcannon@virtualmgmt.com> wrote:

Hello all,


Just a reminder that I will be out of the office Monday May 8- Tuesday May 9. I will not be on the IDPro BoK call on Monday, or the staff meeting on Tuesday. I’ll be checking email whenever possible, and will try to reply in a timely manner. Thank you in advance for your patience.


Andrew – I can still send out the reminder on Monday morning for the Body of Knowledge meeting – just let me know if you’ll be available to join the call and start the bridge.


Have a great weekend!





Megan Cannon  |  Program Manager | Virtual, Inc.

D: +1.781.876.6287  |  M: +1.781.258.5523


virtualmgmt.com  |  blog.virtualmgmt.com

401 Edgewater Place, Suite 600, Wakefield, MA, 01880 USA




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