Not to disclose too much, but the Virtual team is already working with the “independent” IDPro organization to ensure the building blocks of the new organization – namely incorporation completed and bank account in place -- are fully in place for CIS, so as to support a launch in any direction. So I don’t think there’s an issue on that front.


Otherwise, I would fully echo Andrew’s suggestion that IDPro should use the CIS event to recognize/promote the initial corporate backers it has at that point in time. Even it’s just two or three, it shows that there is some tangible industry backing and is a more powerful message than Ian alone saying “come join us…”.


Hope this helps,



From: Colin Wallis []
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2017 9:24 AM
To: Ian Glazer <>
Cc:; Greg Kohn <>; Andrew Hindle <>
Subject: Re: [Idprosc] Schedule change at CIS and a question


Interesting dilemma Ian.


Reflecting yesterday's discussion on the SC call, it should not come as any surprise that I would be tempted to 'wing it' on the 'open for business' option. 

I think you can only do that if you are 100% certain that you have:

1) the 501(c)6 done and you can wave the Certificate of Incorporation around with ID Pro's EIN on it, and

2) a bank account opened in ID Pro's name.


If you can be as certain as you can be, that you can evidence those two things in the remaining time, you may be able to 'wing' the rest (even tho' between us here, we know it will take more time to get ID Pro operationally 'open for business').


If you can't do those 2 things in the closing timeframe, then IMHO, you may be misleading folks, and it would be better to give an update (your Option 1).





Executive Director

Cell: +44 (0)7490 266 778


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On Tue, Jun 6, 2017 at 1:16 PM, Ian Glazer <> wrote:

All -


My keynote is now on Tuesday morning. Even with our best efforts, my concern is that we won't be able to both get enough Founding Members signed up to put on stage. I'd like your feedback before I start to alter my keynote.


Should we deliver a keynote which is an update, recognize Pledge and DG members, and indicate our future plans? Or should we bring Founding Members (although there may be few of them) on stage to recognize them and say we are open for business?





Ian Glazer

Senior Director, Identity

IDProSC mailing list