Thanks Sarah

Good job there.
I would caution against two things there:

1) the ED being a voting member of the Board - because it can lead to a situation of 'unbridled power', where you have the ED and Board potentially colluding.

2) no succession plan of the Board.  You want to make sure that there is some Board experience carried through from year to year - not a clean slate - because you risk a Board with zero experience in Governance.

But in general it's on the right track IMHO.

My 2c.


On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 8:05 PM, Sarah Squire <> wrote:
Please burn this straw man down at your leisure:

Heavily cribbed from the best governance model I could find online for a membership organization, the APA:

Sarah Squire
Engage Identity

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Executive Director
Cell: +44 (0)7490 266 778