Good start Ian

I have highlighted a few things.

Sign up for it if you haven’t already

All Pledgees will be emailed with the link to join the DG and emailed with the call details/link to call details.

It's possible that those could be passed on to 3rd parties, so it maybe worthwhile mentioning it, but for 90% of the folks on the call, they will be signed up by virtue of having got the call notice.

Leadership needed

If the SC wanted to, it could open the vote for Chair as well.  It would be a transparent way to restate support.

Who is the special committee?

Right, I think this refers to the Board Sub Committee, right?

Elect Vice-chair and Sec

What is the process for asking for these positions to be filled?

Typically we do it like this. Staff email the DG to call for nominations with candidate statements as optional. If nominating someone else, Staff check if nominee willing to stand/offer candidate statement. 1 week minimum, can extend. (If WG, staff check member register to ensure at least 1 Officer is a member so they can vote and represent the WG on the LC, but that is N/A here because DGs do not have voting rights on the LC). Staff email one reminder close to closing. After closing date staff email the list of candidates and asks for any objections to the slate by virtue of CoI or whatever. 1 week minimum. 1 reminder close to closing. Voting a simple majority for a DG..Voting done either on Survey or reply to staff email. 1 week minimum but we usually run to 10 days/2 weeks with 2 reminders. Staff check Ops Procs for quorum/simple majority, count votes etc. 1 week maximum. Results announced. 

So, all up, a good start that can be refined as we get closer.

Many thanks

On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 7:57 AM, Ian Glazer <> wrote:
All -

Attached is a draft set of agendas (some more detailed than others) for the first few DG meetings. Love some feedback.


Ian Glazer
Senior Director, Identity

IDProSC mailing list

Executive Director
Cell: +44 (0)7490 266 778