Hi all – here are my informal notes and actions from today’s call. Please let me know if I’m missing any items. Safe travels everyone!


All the best,





Ian, Andrew, Megan, Greg, April, Sarah, Colin, Michelle


Action Items:

·         Transition DG to email only; cease scheduling meetings for now

·         Ian to send note to DG detailing events at CIS

·         Virtual to send outline of transfer of program management and fees by end of week

·         Colin and Ian to work together on Agreement at CIS

·         Megan to cancel Monday’s SC call




·         Ian discussion with Andrew (lawyer) on governance documents

·         Virtual has engagement letter that needs to go back to him


LOI /Membership:

·         Champion level – Salesforce

·         Andi Hindle

·         Engage

·         GE

·         Mass Mutual

·         Deutsche Bank

·         Ping

·         CIS


·         Non vendor members trade brand presence for more members


·         Brett keen to find a way for FIDO to work with IDPro

·         MOU between CIS and IDPro

·         IDPro track at CIS

·         CIS keynote – Ian. One version call up members on stage, one doesn’t call them up.

·         Tuesday is a big day – Ian to drop note to DG with summary

·         Panel tues morning – Sarah moderating, Colin and Andrew on the panel. Can include others if needed. Ian will assist

·         IDPro content in Kantara workshop, Colin to send out timing.



·         Starting to pause the DG. Thorsten and Andrew agree to pause the BoK. Andrew talked them through the plan for next week. We will hold as many things constant as can through the incorporation period. Pause it to make it easier to transfer between Kantara and IDPro.


·         Question – why should IDPro be a different organization? Ian should mention and include in material.


·         What are the operational things that will be on the Kantara side, and do we need the same level of Virtual support that we have in the past?


·         Andrew – create a simple “this is ID Pro” slide deck, Andrew to talk through it every 2 weeks or so, to keep ppl informed – ½ hour.


·         Virtual to get outline of project plan for the program and operational support transfer by end of week. Introduced Michelle and April as Virtual support


·         Colin is working on the list of items in the Agreement, then will need legal counsel. Ian and Colin will work together.



Megan Cannon  |  Program Manager | Kantara

D: +1.781.876.6287  |  M: +1.781.258.5523



401 Edgewater Place, Suite 600, Wakefield, MA, 01880 USA
