Good Morning! I hope you all had a great weekend! Here is some review material for our meeting today at 1pm Eastern:



  1. Officer election results
  2. Upcoming meeting agendas
    1. Projects
  3. Driving meeting participation
    1. Data from past meetings
  4. Certification




  1. Officer elections – 49 out of 102 votes = 48% participation – great participation!
    1. Vice Chair: Sarah Squire
    2. Secretary: Andrew Hughes
    3. Megan is happy to notify the nominees today, before the SC shares the results at the Wednesday meeting.
  2. Wednesday’s meeting agenda:
    1. Officer election results
    2. Review final 3 questions in #4
    3. Start conversation on teams

                                                               i.      Do we know what projects we are planning on?

                                                             ii.      Identify leaders for each team

  1. Driving Meeting participation

Here is some data about our participation so far:


·         48% participation in voting – excellent


·         Attendance in meetings declined after the first call, but is leveling off.






Question 2: Vision Statement – 6 comments by 4 users

Question 3A: Future of the Org – 5 comments by 4 users

Question 3B: Mission Statement -  15 comments by 10 users


11 total unique users over all three threads out of 102 people on the distro list = 11% participation.


  1. Certification
    1. Virtual has an excellent certification department – achieving a certification for Kantara may be less complicated than it seems. Happy to discuss!


Thanks all, I look forward to speaking with you shortly!






Megan Cannon  |  Program Manager | Virtual, Inc.

D: +1.781.876.6287  |  M: +1.781.258.5523  |

401 Edgewater Place, Suite 600, Wakefield, MA, 01880 USA

