Thanks Sarah
Good thought. I'm not sure what sized room $1K would buy us in RSA week, but it is something to work from.
I am also following up with one of the Board Director orgs who indicated a slim chance of having rooms available during RSA week, that could be slid our way.
But I would like to get clear on what we think we are 'launching' that week.
I could see us being in a position to update folks with a kind of message like 'yes, we really are going to establish the digital identity professionals association, and we are actively preparing components of that now including the beginnings of a business model towards self-sustainment. We hope to open membership and invitations to sponsor or otherwise support the org, initially into Kantara until we can build up enough money to operate at least partly on our own. We expect that to be a year or so away, depending on the level of support we get'.
It seems that folks have very different perceptions on what it costs to operate a non profit on an ongoing basis.
Even a small non profit - smaller than Kantara that averages at around $55K a month to run - will have have fixed set up and running costs. Everything is relative, but be in no doubt that whatever the relativity, there is a lot of membership and service program fee that needs to be found to cover the operating cost.