We are confirmed for a BoF at RSA. Someone who has access, please add this to the WG calendar.

PS They added the bit about limited attendance and a group exercise. Guess we'll have to come up with one now...

Sarah Squire
Engage Identity

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: RSA Conference 2017 <speakers@rsaconference.com>
Date: Sat, Jan 21, 2017 at 5:12 AM
Subject: RSA Conference 2017 – Birds of a Feather Discussion Confirmation
To: Sarah Squire <sarah@engageidentity.com>

Dear Sarah:


Thank you for volunteering to facilitate a Birds of a Feather discussion. We appreciate your continued contributions to RSA Conference 2017

As a reminder these are going to be small interactive group discussions with Full Conference attendees. The details of your session are as follows:



Session Code: BOF2-R01D

Scheduled Date: 02/16/2017

Scheduled Time: 7:00 AM - 7:45 AM

Session Title: Rise of the Identity Professional

Session Abstract: In order to grow as an industry identity management needs to professionalize. Join the discussion to create a new professional organization for IAM practitioners. Attendance is strictly limited to allow for a small group experience.

Room: Moscone West | 2011 Table D

Facilitator: Sarah Squire, Senior Identity Solution Architect, Engage Identity



Please be sure to show up to the Birds of a Feather session room at least 15 minutes prior to your session. 

We encourage you to blog/tweet about your participation at RSA Conference to help generate buzz around all the exciting content this year!


Please contact us with any questions!


With Best Regards,

Jackie DiPerna

on behalf of

RSA Conference 2017


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