Thanks Megan.

So this industry community area will have 3 tables as I understand it.

1 each for Gluu and Cirrus, and a table for Kantara.  
Gluu and Cirrus has paid CIS for their parts.
Kantara, as the community leader of this space, gets its table gratis AFAIK.

The theory was that we would use the table to lay out promo material etc, and man it where we could.
And of course ID Pro is more than welcome to make us of that for their stuff.

Kantara is not proposing to fund the staffing of the table, and does not propose to have Virtual staff there.
But if ID Pro wanted that, then perhaps for the latter part of the week, then Kantara could see its way to fund 50% of those costs because it may be able to use the staff resource for the proposed F2F Board meeting on the Thursday night, 6pm.

Are we a bit clearer now?


Executive Director
Cell: +44 (0)7490 266 778

On Wed, May 17, 2017 at 2:09 AM, Megan Cannon <> wrote:

Hi all,


My apologies – when we spoke about postcards and calls to action for members to join, I extrapolated that there would be a staffed booth to send people to. Thank you for clarifying!


If you are interested in acquiring a booth, we should discuss asap. If you would like staffing for the event, I am available, and Kantara has offered to pay for half of the travel expenses. Please let me know.


In the meantime, shall we move forward on the one pager, postcard, and compressed graphic?





From: Colin Wallis []
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2017 5:55 PM
To: Ian Glazer <>
Cc: Megan Cannon <>;; Madison Kevorkian <>
Subject: Re: [Idprosc] Marketing support - for CIS


I don't know either.  I just assumed you had organized it separately from Kantara's.


It is possible Megan has conflated the two things and attributed 'Kantara's booth' to ID Pro. 


So Kantara has a pilot being offered by Andi to test out.  

It is an industry/community area. Kantara itself with Gluu and Cirrus.. we had space for 3 more but may be too late now.

LC mailing list was polled several times and was in the member newsletter.


Any clearer?



Executive Director






On Tue, May 16, 2017 at 8:33 PM, Ian Glazer <> wrote:

Not where the booth came from, certainly not planning for one.


On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 5:19 PM Colin Wallis <> wrote:

Thanks Megan


So for the avoidance of doubt, this is on Id Pro's dime...


Also mention of 'booth' ... is this separate to Kantara's identity industry booth at CIS that features CIRRUS, GLUU and Kantara it self? Or is it an extra table in that space?




Executive Director






On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 9:52 PM, Megan Cannon <> wrote:

Hi all,


Based on our conversation today, it sounds like we need some more from marketing for CIS. Please let me know if I’m on the right track here – we are on a tight timeframe, but we should be able to get what is needed in time. Madison is working up a proposal for costs and can include the following:


1.       One page flyer for founding members

a.       High level, action oriented, includes high level benefit review, targeted at companies for sponsorships

2.       Postcard

a.       Simple, catchy postcard CTA to for individuals to join (can include whatever incentive is decided on) – to be put in bags

3.       Condensed graphic

a.       Text overlay graphic to be on a circular button

4.       Booth support

a.       Do we need anything here?

                                                               i.      Booth design

                                                             ii.      Pop up banner

                                                            iii.      Table cloth or runner

                                                           iv.      Badge ribbons

                                                             v.      PowerPoint Slides

                                                           vi.      Other?

Thanks all,



Megan Cannon  |  Program Manager | Virtual, Inc.

D: +1.781.876.6287  |  M: +1.781.258.5523  |

401 Edgewater Place, Suite 600, Wakefield, MA, 01880 USA




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Ian Glazer

Senior Director, Identity