Thanks for those thoughts Ian

So the expectation was that we would discuss it again on the ID Pro SC call on Monday.  If you are not there for that one either, then I think we can postpone the desire to get the notion that 'membership in the org cannot be rushed' in front of the DG. 

This has arisen because there are discussions in the project streams about taking 'membership' dues without any requisite value being returned to 'members'.  There's an increasing sense that participants don't have a real idea about what it costs to set up and run a non profit, before, above and beyond returning value to members.  The SC felt that incorrect expectations should not run too long to avoid disappointment down the track. This was something that we expected would come up and was explicitly discussed in this SC several months ago. But sooner or later the SC is going to have to respond to that.  

We all agreed that the launch should not run past a year, so we had EIC '17 in Munich in May, and CIS '17 in June on our sights... exactly a year in each case when you announced it at those events this year.

Does that help clarify?


On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 6:00 PM, Ian Glazer <> wrote:
Regarding the following:

Another discussion was noting that membership in the org cannot be rushed, there needs to be value and benefits associated with membership. Colin did note that Kantara can accept membership payments for ID Pro by accounting for it separately. This conversation should be placed on the December 7 DG meeting for further discussion amongst the full group.

I am curious about why this should be a DG conversation to start with.

Also I'd really like be a part of the "launch" conversations but unfortunately I am on the flight monday. I do like the idea of multiple launches but I am worried about delaying the launch too far out. We cannot go past May without launching the org. 

On Mon, Nov 28, 2016 at 7:03 PM, Shannon Taylor <> wrote:

All, below are highlights from today’s ID Pro sub-committee meeting. Please feel free to chime in with additional thoughts, etc. Shannon




·         Ken Dagg

·         Andrew Hughes

·         Sarah Squire

·         Colin Wallis

·         Shannon Taylor


Discussion Group Meetings

-          After discussion decided to hold the next DG meeting on December 7th at 11:00am Eastern.

-          There is no DG meeting on November 30th.

-          Shannon issued calendar updates to this group and sent the notice of all upcoming meetings to the full DG earlier this afternoon.


Governance Work Stream

-          As had previously been decided the Governance work stream will fall to the ID Pro Sub-Committee though DG participants may choose to join the meetings.

-          To avoid another call on everyone’s calendar we will use the second half of the Sub-Committee meetings for the governance discussion with December 5th being the first meeting at 1:30pm Eastern.

-          Earlier this afternoon you should have received an updated calendar invite from me adjusting the Sub-Committee meeting to run from 1:00 – 1:30pm Eastern on Dec 5. I also issued the Governance meeting invite from 1:30-2:00pm Eastern. Please check your calendar and be sure that is what shows.

-          Since Ian wasn’t on the call he was nominated to lead the Governance work stream, Sarah took the action to communicate with Ian. I may be letting on to early J


Peer-to-Peer Session at RSA

-          Thank you to Sarah for submitting the session over the weekend prior to the deadline expiring. She used the description that was submitted for the speaking session.

-          We should know in late December if the session was selected or not.

-          Colin will check in with Andrew Nash to see if he can assist.


Launch – What does it mean?

-          An informational session announcing what ID Pro is, who it supports, future plans. Ideally a panel of sub-committee members and work stream leaders would be able to provide more detail and answer questions.

-          It was noted that currently ID Pro has no funds outside of Kantara; how will an event be paid for? What kind of space can Kantara secure through its friends/family channels?

-          Sarah will send a note to the full ID Pro DG asking if anyone has space at their corporate HQ in San Fran. Colin noted that CA may have space, they are currently evaluating their space needs and will be in touch with Colin.

-          The question was raised why launch at RSA, can it be at CIS? This led to further discussion and the idea to hold multiple launches:

o   European launch at EIC in May

o   US launch at CIS in June

o   Canadian launch at Identity North in June

o   Use RSA as a venue for updates and information

-          Another discussion was noting that membership in the org cannot be rushed, there needs to be value and benefits associated with membership. Colin did note that Kantara can accept membership payments for ID Pro by accounting for it separately. This conversation should be placed on the December 7 DG meeting for further discussion amongst the full group.


CIS Description

-          You all have likely seen the email threads going around today regarding the session description for CIS. It was determined to hold on submitting anything until further discussion on this at the sub-committee meeting next Monday.

IDProSC mailing list

Ian Glazer
Senior Director, Identity

IDProSC mailing list

Executive Director
Cell: +44 (0)7490 266 778