Hello Andrew – here are the comments from GTM if you need them.




12:01 PM


Greetings! Please mark your attendance here: http://tinyurl.com/zlr2gkj


12:02 PM

Patrick Essien

Greetings All!


12:06 PM

Chris Adriaensen

Hi all from Belgium! Mic problems so will just comments here in chat.


12:09 PM

Andrew Hindle

I do....


12:09 PM

Chris Adriaensen

Does IAM industry suffcientely cover our intended member base?


12:11 PM

Chris Adriaensen

Andrew H +1


12:11 PM

Colin Wallis

OPenstand Principles here: https://open-stand.org/about-us/principles/


12:11 PM

Catherine Schulten

for example this non-discriminatory list excludes people with physical handicaps


12:11 PM


+1 from me as well. 'everyone' might be enough


12:12 PM

Colin Wallis

And linked directly off Kantara's principles here:https://kantarainitiative.org/about/principles/


12:12 PM

Colin Wallis

try that again.. https://kantarainitiative.org/about/principles/


12:14 PM

Andrew Hindle

Body of Knowlege, or Body of Work?


12:16 PM


even though that is a list as well, its not that problematic than the first one. even if something is missed, its not discrimanatory


12:16 PM

Colin Wallis



12:16 PM

Chris Adriaensen

Guess best current practive is embedded in body of knowledge, so agree.


12:17 PM

Chris Adriaensen

Mic problems...


12:18 PM

Andrew Hughes

Or, just strike 'body of knowledge' from the phrase -


12:18 PM


but best practise is not equal body of work?


12:18 PM

Andrew Hughes

if the sentence is deonstructed "to teach... best current practice... to the relevant...


12:18 PM

Andrew Hindle

Do we need to call out the importance of 'keeping up to date'?


12:19 PM

Chris Adriaensen

Guess the word 'current' implies it's up-to-date.


12:21 PM

Andrew Hughes



12:25 PM

Chris Adriaensen

Valid point; but guess we need to start somewhere and assume this list of priorities could change through time?


12:26 PM

kendagg to me

agree with andrew

Reply in private


12:26 PM


agree with andrew


12:28 PM


I am sorry, have to leave in a few minutes. Eager to hear/see the recordings. bye


12:29 PM

Andrew Hughes

i've got one - last in line please


12:31 PM


i've got a comment


12:35 PM

Andrew Hindle

To add....


12:36 PM

Catherine Schulten

also some of the standards reflect the vision of a specific industry sector and doesn't apply to all


12:36 PM

Chris Adriaensen

Agree with Collin; contribution to standards which just cross our landscape like gov, finance, etc; not really on core standards inside our practice.


12:37 PM


agree wholeheartedly with colin and andrewh


12:38 PM

Andrew Hughes



12:38 PM


agree with Catherine --- rationale for advocacy to that sector --- advocacy is a two way street


12:39 PM

Colin Wallis

in the queue for a brief comment plse.


12:42 PM

Andrew Hughes

Reminder: Please mark your attendance here: http://tinyurl.com/zlr2gkj


12:43 PM

Andrew Hughes

a shibboleth


12:44 PM

Andrew Hughes

letting others speak


12:44 PM

Andrew Hughes

what works in other orgs?


12:44 PM

Andrew Hughes

yes and also no


12:45 PM

Chris Adriaensen

Agree; think we need both; open and closed.


12:45 PM

Catherine Schulten

also agree  open and closed


12:45 PM

Andrew Hughes

i agree with A.H.


12:46 PM

Catherine Schulten

vendors are in the trenches also


12:46 PM

Chris Adriaensen

Yes; mixed; that's providing value.


12:47 PM

Andrew Hughes

forum rules of conduct...


12:47 PM

Yaliman, Mehmet

no cold calls based on forum contribution


12:47 PM

Andrew Hughes

i agree with ah


12:47 PM

Andrew Hughes

other associations have "vendor and marketing' channels


12:47 PM

Andrew Hughes

that are specifically to advertise to ourselves


12:48 PM

Andrew Hughes



12:48 PM

Dobbs, George

Users may be more comfortable with openness than vendors might be.  Some sort of rules / moderation probably needed.


12:48 PM

Andrew Hindle

That was Catherine's point.  But I do agree with it :)


12:48 PM

Chris Adriaensen

Agree with keeping out commercial motivations; but strongly believe mixed and open dialogue is were the value comes from.


12:50 PM

Andrew Hughes

Modification: commercial motivations are valuable - it's being respectful of the channel


12:50 PM

Andrew Hughes

respectful is critical


12:52 PM

Chris Adriaensen

Both online and in-person are needed I feel.


12:52 PM

Catherine Schulten

i personally like co-located events with a breakout for the professional group to meet in person


12:53 PM

Catherine Schulten

IDESG Plenary, Gartner IAM forum for example


12:54 PM

Andrew Hindle

Thank you Ian :)



Megan Cannon  |  Program Manager | Virtual, Inc.

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