Hello Colin,


Here are my notes from the BoF. It was an excellent session! I counted 21 people not including the 3 of us.


As I noted before, I will not be in attendance on Monday so please pass along any action items that come from the meeting, including any agenda items for the 2/22 DG meeting.


All the best,




ID Pro BoF

Thursday, February 16, 2017

11:36 AM

List of Associations:

ISSA - 3


(ISC)2 - 4

IAPP - 1

CSA - 4








Why join


·         Professional opportunities

·         Security professional - solve customer problems

·         Help understand customer problems

·         Professional development

·         Bok

·         career development

·         Professional legitimacy

·         Member of trusted body

·         Baseline of communication, glossary

·         Networking with common interest

·         Certification

·         to keep job

·         Shape higher ed curriculum


Why renew or not

·         Need it to keep job

·         Credentialing important

·         Not renew- lack of engagement and opportunity, low traffic, not relevant.


What services do you want

·         Identity events- local

·         regional, informal iam meet ups too loose, no master org. Some vendor initiated.

·         Don't have a vendor footprint.

·          Chapter presidents - logistics- no one wants to lead. Need better marketing, needs infrastructure. Guidelines how do we'll. Roles and resp. Not vendor dependent. Guides for vendor behavior.

·          Professional career path

·         Manager education

·         Bok- overlap

·         Materials that explain to management

·         Not vendor dependent advice

·         Vertical specific use cases

·         Templates, tools

·         Knowledge sharing, crowd sourcing solutions Rate templates and tools


·         Certifications- keep vendors and analysts in check Perception of authority Training

·         Requirement- real world experience

·         Not in person training, but curriculum for employers to use


·         So hard to find identity prof.

·         Need people who demo knowledge on vendor products No such thing as junior identity prof.

·         Bring a new employee on board- deep end. Need onboarding package for employees Need job description.


·         Code of ethics- pledge- Action: get up online


·         Also the education of end user about identity. Advocacy


·         Micro degrees


·         Certification- go through practical experience


What other conferences

·         Iaw

·         CIs

·         Eic

·         Gartner

·         Privacy summit

·         Identity north


·         Preconference days


·         Get booths at all conferences to gauge interest. Partner orgs.


Created with Microsoft OneNote 2013.



From: idprosc-bounces@kantarainitiative.org [mailto:idprosc-bounces@kantarainitiative.org] On Behalf Of Colin Wallis
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2017 5:00 PM
To: IDProSC@kantarainitiative.org
Subject: [Idprosc] Can someone give me a quick summary of how the BoF went?


I know it will be discussed Monday next week but I will be mid-travel so wanted a heads up please.





Executive Director

Cell: +44 (0)7490 266 778