
·         Colin

·         Ian

·         Ken

·         Shannon



·         Create an email reflector for the ID Pro sub-committee (Shannon)

o   Done:

·         Create a document repository for the ID Pro sub-committee (Shannon)

o   Done:  a google drive has been set up specifically for the sub-committee.  Each of you should have received an email already.

·         Colin/Shannon to check with Allan on his participation.


Review of Project Timeline

·         Survey:

o   Virtual marketing team is working on the survey email; draft content will be shared with SC.

o   the survey will open on Sept 7 and close on Sept 21.

o   we will point survey takers to the DG sign up page upon completion and mention that the first call is taking place on Sept 19 at noon eastern.

·         DG Infrastructure:

o   Creation of the DG infrastructure is underway with staff and once ready will be issued to the full SC

·         DG Meetings:

o   The first meeting will be held on Sept 19 @ noon eastern using GoToMeeting preferably.

§  Zoom can accommodate only 50 participants.

§  GoToMeeting (GTM) can accommodate 100 participants.

§  Therefore we will use GTM for the DG meetings, the meetings will simply need to be scheduled around other Kantara meetings to ensure GTM is available.

o   Ian will draft the agenda’s for the first four meetings and share with the SC.

o   The meetings will be held weekly to start.


Next SC Meeting

·         TBD, via doodle poll (Shannon)