
As per my mention of this on the ID Pro SC call earlier this week, please find the internal paper I drafted for the main Board, with a review by Andrew.

The background was that at the February Board meeting in SFO, we spoke to the current status and intentions expressed by the ID Pro SC.  The Board asked that they receive an overall status in writing, such that it could be considered, recorded and ultimately accepted into the Minutes. 

Once the Board was appraised of the status (from the author's perspective) it indicated that it wanted to have a proposal from the ID Pro SC, as the basis of a dialogue on how the future would unfold and the steps along that path

The paper was written and presented for the March Board meeting. No objections were raised to the acceptance of the paper, and by eBallot, this has been confirmed.

It is shared with the SC here, to help provide context and background to the next step, which is for the SC to prepare a paper for the Board on its own behalf.

There is no requirement for it to line up directly with the internal paper - it may or it may not - such is life with personal perspectives.  That is understood by all, I believe.

The job then is to frame up a picture of the future relationship between ID Pro and Kantara going forward in progressive phases, as the basis to begin and continue a dialogue with the main Kantara Board.

We should make a start ASAP and report status of it at the next Board meeting April 20th.  But we must have an agreed document to submit to the Board in advance of its meeting in May 18th, with an advanced draft ready before EIC in Munich w/c 8th May.

I have attached a .pdf for comment, but if we wish to use some of the internal paper, I can provide an editable version.

Let's use this thread to initiate shared thoughts and discussion.


Executive Director
Cell: +44 (0)7490 266 778