Hi April

I am traveling so prefer not to, but if others have a dire need I will try to join (later, when my tarin arrives in Brussels).

Separation Agreement conditions are still being executed, with around half the ID Pro memberships allocated, and the 2nd half in progress.


Executive Director
Cell: +44 (0)7490 266 778

On Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 2:28 PM, April Veilleux <aveilleux@virtualmgmt.com> wrote:

Good Morning All,


I hope everyone had a great weekend. Will we be meeting today at 1pm EST as originally scheduled? Please let me know if you’d like to have a call.  


Thank you,


April Veilleux  |  Program Manager  |  Virtual, Inc.

D: +1.781.876.6233 

aveilleux@virtualmgmt.com  |  virtualmgmt.com

401 Edgewater Place, Suite 600, Wakefield, MA, 01880 USA


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