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ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27/WG 5 "Identity management and privacy technologies"

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N Document Related content
4280 Project > Form
Form 6 - ISO/IEC NP TS 27564
4279 Project > Form
Form 4 - ISO/IEC 27564 (ed1)
4278 General > Other
ENISA activities in standardisation update
4277 General > Other
SC 27 Standards Sales
4276 General > Other
Liaison statement from ITU-T SG20
4275 General > Other
Liaison statement from ITU-T JCA-DCC - LS on highlights from the sixth meeting of the Joint Coordination Activity on Digital COVID-19 Certificates (JCA-DCC)
4274 General > Other
Liasion report on the last SC 41 plenary meeting
4273 General > Other
Liaison statement from ITU-T FG-MV- LS on Results of the seventh and final meeting of the FG-MV
4272 General > Other
SC 42 response on SC 27 LS (SC 42 N 1746 and SC 27 N 23480)
4271 General > Other
ISO-IEC JTC 1-SC 27_N23477_Liaison statement from SC 41 to JTC 1-SC 27 on data standards
4270 General > Other
Liaison report from SC 42 to SC 27 (update)
4269 Meeting > Agenda
1st Draft Agenda 49th Meeting
Meeting: VIRTUAL 25 Sep 2024
4268 Meeting > Minutes
RecRes and Meeting Report 48th Meeting
Meeting: VIRTUAL 23 Jul 2024