ISO Documents

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27/WG 5 "Identity management and privacy technologies"

Dear member,

Please note that the following new documents have been posted on Documents.

Best regards,

Katharina Kursch

Convenor/Secretary Support Team of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27/WG 5

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For Info

N Document Related content
4070 Project > Other
FR DP Late Comments on 3rd WD 24760-4 SC27 WG 5 N 3957
4069 General > Other
JTC 1 2024 Q1 Newsletter
4068 Project > Other
PDoC on ISO/IEC CD 27553-2 Collated Comments_20240329
4067 Project > Other
Liaison Statement from SC 41 on SC 27/WG 5 PWI 27568
4066 General > Other
Notice of publication ISO/IEC 27561:2024
ISO/IEC 27561:2024 "Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection — Privacy operation...
4065 Project > Other
ISO/IEC 24760-4 Report AHG meeting attendance WG 5 – 42 – 003 Clarifying concepts of identification and authentication in ISO/IEC 24760-4 WD 2
4064 Meeting > Agenda
3rd Draft Agenda, Manchester, 8th-12th April
Meeting: Manchester (United Kingdom) 8 Apr 2024
4063 Project > Other
Proposal for freely available ISO/IEC 27560:2023 standard
4062 Project > Other
ISO/IEC PWI 6087 - Report for consideration at the upcoming WG 5 meeting including attachment (Draft WD text for 29115)
4061 General > Other
OASIS liaison statement to SC 27/WG 5
4060 Project > Other
Kantara Initiative late liaison comment on 27566-2
4059 General > Other
ABC4Trust liaison statement to SC 27/WG 5
4058 Project > Other
ISO/IEC 27701 ISO/CS comments on the CD document
4057 Project > Other
ISO/IEC 27701 Justification for 27701 as new Management System Standard
4056 Project > Other
ISO/IEC CD 27701 draft disposition of comments with the editor’s view on all comments
4055 General > Other
ISO-IEC JTC 1-SC 27_N23421_ISO-IEC JTC 1_N16775_TECHNICAL MANAGEMENT BOARD RESOLUTION 30-2024 - Allocation of work- Consumer protection- Privacy by Design for Consumer Products (TS-P 316
4054 General > Other
Liaison statement ITU-T SG17's CG-COP at Global Age Assurance Standards Summit

replaces : Liaison statement ITU-T SG17's CG-COP at Global Age Assurance Standards Summit