ISO Documents

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27/WG 5 "Identity management and privacy technologies"

Dear member,

Please note that the following new documents have been posted on Documents.

Best regards,

Katharina Kursch

Convenor/Secretary Support Team of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27/WG 5

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For Info

N Document Related content
4083 Project > Other
Annex to Doc Commitee document 502
4082 Project > Other
DoC SC 27 committee document 502 Privacy reference list
4081 Project > Draft
Draft SC 27 committee document 502—Privacy reference
4080 Project > Other
ISO/IEC 3rd WD 24760-4 Apr2024 results
4079 Project > Other
Draft DoC ISO/IEC 3rd WD 24760-4 WD
4078 Project > Draft
Draft ISO/IEC CD 24760-4
4077 General > Other
Gender Responsive Standards: Guidance for ISO and IEC technical committees
4076 General > Other
DTSP Liaison Statement to WG 5 [4.4.24]
4075 General > Other
PRIPARE Liaison statement to WG5 April 2024