Dear all,
My bad: I was not able to start the AhG 49-003 meeting, being stuck in a flight between Spain and France.
I propose to have the meeting on 19-Feb-2025 at 21.00 UTC - 23.00 UTC
Agenda - 21.05 UTC Code of conduct and Roll call
- 21.10 Reminder on terms of reference
- 21.15 Status of work on various tasks
- 21.45 Supporting ISO/IEC 27091
- 22.00 Discussion on liaisons
- 22.15 Preparing report to WG5 plenary
- 22.30 AOB
- 22.40 Close
Also, welcome to Elaine Newton (US) who is joining the AhD
Best regards, Antonio Kung
Zoom details Meeting ID: 418 600 098 - Find your local number: